25 ways to build your faith in God and trust him in everything (Part 2)

And without faith it is impossible to please God because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him – Hebrews 11:6 NIV


Today we bring you the final part of 25 Ways To Build Your  Faith In GOD And Trust Him In Everything.


Hebrews 11:6  tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Since pleasing God is essential to an abundant life, building our faith is a natural and essential step. We are living in a world where the temptation to doubt God is constant. His children need more than ever to learn how to trust in His goodness and have strong faith.

Last week we shared 12 practical ways to move toward a stronger faith and a heart that trusts God’s promises. Please enjoy the rest.


Many Christians struggle with doubt, and God’s Word teaches us that we are not alone. John the Baptist doubted Christ’s identity, and even Thomas did not believe it was Christ when he saw Him after His resurrection.

God is always calling His children out to deeper waters and into unknown areas. Why? To help us learn to trust Him. So, how do we deal with faith-crushing doubt? Let us pray and confess it to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. Let us fight against our doubts with the Word of God. Let us look up Bible verses that will help us make our every thought captive and obedient to Christ. Let us ask the Lord to grant us the faith to overcome our doubts, and it will surprise us how much our trust will grow.


Sin erodes our faith in God and causes us to feel we have lost God’s love. When we do not feel loved or are ashamed, we avoid God’s presence, just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Our feelings drive us away from faith in God and His Word. A great way to build our faith is for us to repent and confess our sins. Acknowledging God’s holiness and aligning our plans under His sovereignty will open our life up to new and exciting ways to grow our faith. Let us ask God to show us if we have any sin that needs forgiving. As we make His will the desire of our heart, we give glory to God and start our journey to a stronger faith.


Often, we see people who seem to radiate strength and faith in God. If we are honest, we wish we had that kind of faith. How did they get to their spiritual condition? They stepped out of the boat, tested the waters, and trusted that God would hold them up or teach them to swim. Serving others is a perfect way to step out in faith and see how God works. The first thing to do is for us to find something we enjoy doing and serve in that area. Our church should have many opportunities to serve. If they do not have a ministry for us, then let us start one! God can use our joy in serving as a catalyst for growth in our life and impact the eternal life of others.


What do we depend on for our security and wellbeing? Is it a person other than Jesus? Is it in our job, talent, intelligence, or status? When we base our faith on things or people, then in time, our security crumbles. Jobs and fortunes are lost, and people die or leave us. There is always someone more intelligent, and our status is only a social media post away from being destroyed. It only takes one catastrophe to awaken us to the realisation that we have been building our lives on sand not on the Lord Jesus, our Rock. Let us make a list of the important things in our lives, then let us  pray and give them into the Lord’s faithful hands. Let us ask the Father to bless us with the faith we need to trust Him completely. Then, we can stand firm no matter what bad things happen.


It is hard to be content if things do not go the way we want or when in the middle of a long trial. Discontentment, while natural, shows a lack of trust in God. The children of God must fight against discontentment. We should decide in advance to stand firm in our faith and trust in the goodness of God, no matter what. Whatever we are facing, let us focus on what He is accomplishing through our disappointment or suffering and on the promises of God. Let us remember to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, the Author and Perfecter of our faith, and He will help us grow and trust even in our suffering.


A great enemy of our faith is spiritual warfare. Even though Apostle Paul wrote the book of Ephesians in AD60, God’s Word is just as alive, active, and relevant today as it was then. Satan’s desire is for the children of God to doubt and lose faith. Satan attacks our faith because it is our shield and protects us from his fiery darts as we read in Ephesians 6:16. Before we find our faith wavering, let us read Ephesians 6 : 10-18 and make the Armour of God a part of our daily life. We find the secret to having enough faith in verse 10, “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”  We do nothing in our strength, but our faith in God activates His power. Let us pray and confess our need for His power and protection. Let us ask Him to strengthen our faith so that we can stand against anything the enemy sends our way.


Pride causes significant damage to our faith by challenging our trust in God. Pride teaches us we have all the answers, so we believe the lie and look to our own understanding more than God’s truth. Psalm 139:23-24  provides a template for testing our lives for any offensive ways. Let us pray and ask the Father to reveal any areas of our life dominated by pride and let us ask for His forgiveness. Let us list what He reveals in a notebook, then let us find Bible verses to help us overcome these prideful areas. As we pray and make a conscious effort to eradicate pride from our life, we will develop a deeper trust in God’s promises. A deeper trust leads to a closer relationship and a stronger faith in His love for us.

Prayer is a conversation with the Living God, yet His children often neglect it. When we pray, we get a sense of the heartbeat of God for the lost, our family, and our spiritual condition. When we do not have the words to pray, we can ask the Holy Spirit to pray for us. God has provided all we need to grow through prayer. So, let us start today and spend some time in the presence of the Lord. It may seem awkward at first, but when we pray and feel His presence, our faith will become firmly established. Christians who make prayer a part of their daily life will continue to grow in faith and trust as they see God move.

Talking to others about Christ is scary for many people, mainly because we think we do not have all the answers or we aren’t sure what words to use. Let us pray and surrender ourselves to be instruments for telling others about His love. Let us confess our fears and ask the Lord to help us share the Good News of Jesus Christ. God will open doors of opportunity for us to witness. We will find that God is faithful to give us words to speak, and the power of the Holy Spirit will touch the hearts of the people through us. Our measure of faith will increase as we walk under the influence of His love and power.

We have all been in a situation where we know we need to step out in faith, but we shrink back. How do we overcome those moments when fear rules over our faith? A long time ago, our Heavenly Father provided all we need through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus called Him our Helper in John 14:26, so the next time we find ourselves in a situation where we want to shrink back, let us stop, and pray. Let us ask for the Holy Spirit’s help to strengthen our faith to step out and do what God is calling us to do. When we complete the assignment He has given us, our faith in Him will soar as He uses us to do great things.

Often, Christians long to have more faith even though they are not faithful with what they already have. One of the best ways to grow our faith is to be obedient to what we already know we should do but are not. James 1:22 tells us to be doers of the Word of God. The first step toward a strong faith is to compile a list of what we already know we should be doing. For example, prayer and reading God’s Word should be a part of our daily lives. If they are not, our next step would be to make time for each of these things. Let us be faithful to what we have, and we will grow with each step of obedience we take!

The lack of peace is an obstacle to building faith and trust in God. There are many times we are not sure what to do, and the lack of peace freezes our progress. Other times, we are not sure we know the will of God, and the lack of peace keeps us from doing anything. In Isaiah 26:3, God promises to “keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Here is the secret to our peace: let us trust in God. Let us pray for God’s guidance and trust that the Spirit of God will not allow us to take one step outside of His will for our life. If we take Him at His Word and trust what He says is true, His perfect peace will dominate our mind resulting in the growth we desire.

In Colossians 2:6-7, God instructs us to “walk in Christ Jesus the Lord.”  Walking close to Him will give our faith the roots it needs to flourish. Here are some practical ways for us to walk closely with the Lord Jesus. First, let us read about Him in God’s Word. Learning more about what He has done and said will naturally lead us to the next step. Worship Him, praising Him for His sacrifice and love. Secondly, let us follow His lead in all areas of our life, including the service of others. As we walk with Him, we will be strengthened in our faith.

End Piece

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. However, the Bible tells us of many people who did please Him. The significance is that it is possible, so let us pray and seek the faith needed.


O Lord, we ask this day for Your help and provision to live faithful and pleasing lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you have not yet confessed Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, this is an opportunity to do so. And when you do, just surrender totally to Him with your eternal future, for He will never leave nor forsake you – Hebrews 13:5


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     Website: saltandlightministries.org

By Dr Joyce Aryee, the author

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