A dietician overnight? – Impossible!!!

The internet may make one feel you can become an expert in a field overnight BUT DO NOT be fooled. It is impossible! Even getting the right source for the information can be dicey. At best you end up with information that gives the impression that one cap fits all. Yes, by all means read as much as you can but at least once in your lifetime consult a registered dietician.

I realise my eating habits are poor and I have pledged to do a total overhaul but certainly at a sensible pace. Poor nutrition appears to be a major limiting factor in our quest to improve our health. I believe it will be worth our while if we go on this journey together. Anthony Robbins, a motivational speaker always teaches that IF YOU THINK YOU CAN OR THINK YOU CAN’T, YOU ARE RIGHT. We definitely determine what we make out of life.

Over the past year or so I have lost quite a lot of body fat, well except for my stubborn abdominal fat. It struck me last night that the only consistent thing I have done over the past year or two is to drink pure cocoa (bitter cocoa) and eat in SMALL COLOURFULL (your brain thinks it’s a lot of food because the plate is full) plates. So that may be something to add to your arsenal if fat loss is one of your goals.

We will start off with basic tips that affect what we eat, how much we eat and the timing of what we eat.

  1. Drink plenty of water
    1. About two litres a day is a fair approximation. Start gradually even if it means five glasses a day.
    1. When we drink a significant amount of water, we get full after eating only a little food. Forget all the tales about not drinking water at meals. The enzymes that digest our food work best in water.
  2. Eat several small meals
    1. I know this may offer some challenges but we can work round it. We are all convinced about eating three main meals a day. Put two healthy snacks between every two meals and hey presto we have five SMALL meals. This is also very important in those of us who want to lose weight.
    1. Add a protein to each meal, even the “snacks”. If you are on a restricted protein diet, this may not apply to you.
    1. Spice your food up; it may make you feel full with less food. It appears some spices may also kick start our metabolism
  3. Limit Alcohol
    1. The drill is the same; if you do not drink alcohol already there is no need to start. If you do reduce it. My plan is to drink a glass of wine over the weekend. What is yours?

Today I will start “living” the steps above and I believe you will do the same. Next month we will look at practical steps to healthy eating.


Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

Health Essentials Ltd/Mobissel


*Dr. Essel is a medical doctor, holds an MBA and is ISSA certified in exercise therapy, fitness nutrition and corrective exercise.

Thought for the week – “Without a doubt HE OR SHE WHO GIVES BLOOD GIVES LIFE!!!!”


  1. Nutrition: The Complete Guide – Ryan Berardi, PhD, Ryan Andrews, MS/MA, RD
  2. www.webmd.com
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