Advice to National Service Personnel

Service to the country

Each year thousands of youth from the tertiary institutions across the country serve the motherland, Ghana, in diverse fields as a national requirement. The 2022- 2023 National Service year began in earnest and many young people are busy registering to fulfill this national assignment. It is a joyful moment for most of them especially the first timers to start a formal sort of work to gain working experience and hope to earn some allowances monthly. Indeed, most of us can vividly recount those moments with much relish, however, it is without some challenges just like any normal life situation. Some secured permanent jobs out of it, others can also point fingers to something positive they did at the end of their National Service while others too would forever regret that period of their lives.

If l remember very well, some challenges we had to battle with some 18 years back was the persistent delay in receiving our meagre allowances. As a result of this ritual, we changed the name from National Service to “National Suffering” because of the struggle to feed especially those of us posted to faraway places from our home regions. 

There are some things associated with this national exercise l wish to share with the prospective personnel that prompted me to write this article when l saw hundreds of young people at Upper East Regional National Service Secretariat happily registering to commence their mandatory service.

My first piece of advice to them is to have purpose of tenacity. After National Service what next? Therefore, your plan for beginning, continuation and ending. I am quite sure most of them are first timers in formal workplace. Be positive minded imbued with humility, respect to authority, eschew laziness and ready to learn. Even if you meet the cleaner on the stairs, accord them the respect due them because they have practical working experience than you.

Most importantly, you have to plan your financial life very very well. It is quite important for those of you from poor background. At this moment your parents and siblings expect one form of support or the other from you. Don’t think you have arrived and start spending lavishly like Arabian Kings and Queens anytime you receive your monthly allowance. To my young brothers in particular, be mindful of the demands from the girls for expensive items like IPhone, Brazilian hair, expensive lunch packs, etc. Remember the economy is in shambles currently as we are struggling to put body and soul, together.

Constantly and deliberately save a percentage of your monthly allowance so that the period when it doesn’t come as expected you can fall on it to sustain yourself. You would appreciate the fact that it pays to save. 

My final and passionate advice to you all young National Service Personnel is to start generating business ideas and be able to settle on one by the end of the service period. As soon as you finish, tap into your savings and invest wisely upon the consultation with the experts in that field. The statistics, l amnot quite sure but less than 10 percent of personnel secure job immediately after completing their National Service.

The current unemployment situation in the country is a frightening one. I remember, a sister in one of our conversations, jokingly said if you are not careful you will move with application letters from office to office until your shoes are worn- out and you may not even get money to buy new ones. A word to the wise is enough.

By Godwin Anthony Godwin

Public Relations Officer

Regional Coordinating Council U/E Region 

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