Our New Year Resolution

 At the beginning of every year, some individuals and groups make resolutions to engage in new life that would bring about greater improvement than what was achieved the previous year.

This is often undertaken be­cause individuals and groups share the view that life on this planet must see improvement rather than deterioration. Improvement occurs when we examine our mistakes and become determined to correct them in order to live a better life.

Without taking stock of past experiences and learning from our previous mistakes, we would not be able to experience improvement in life. Thus, resolutions, whether at the personal or group level, are good and must be used to guide us in what we do.

However, mere resolutions cannot help us see improvement in our lives. What is important is to keep to these resolutions and ensure that we learn from our mistakes in previous years so as to do things better in our current dispensation. This applies to everyone, whether they are children, adults, married, or unmarried. We cannot remain the same and commit the same mistakes over and over in life. We must de­part from precious weaknesses and mistakes and resolve to make things better, not only for ourselves but for our family members and friends.

Let us therefore hold our resolu­tions in high esteem and work with them to improve ourselves.We must do well at all times to see some improvement in our present circum­stances compared with the past.

There is the need to ensure national resolution so that we can make conditions better for each and every one of us. We must resolve that the Majority and the Minority in parliament collaborate to achieve what is best for the country. It is good to attain political power, but this should be done on the premise of positivism, not negetavism.

All of us are for Ghana, so the more we work together to solve all problems and improve everyone’s life, the better it will be for all citizens and even foreigners who life here.

The year 2023 must see greater achievements than we saw in 2022. Greater laurels can be achieved only when we identify our common chal­lenges and fight together as a people to overcome them, no matter how difficult they may appear to be, so that at the end of it all, the current and future generations will benefit from the collective effort aimed at addressing our challenges.

As a people, let us resolve to attain better results in spite of our challenges, so that we can all look back after some years and share in the glory.

This is attainable, so let us work vigorously towards it.

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