Signals are worrying

Dear ObaaYaa,

We have been lovers for five years and hopeful that things will improve to enable us to be married. Our relationship has passed through memorable and rough times, yet we have managed to sustain it till now.
Now that we have planned to marry, certain unpleasant developments are showing up their ugly heads which give me cause to worry.
There are reports from reliable sources that my lady had a child with a classmate but has refused to disclose this information to me despite repeated appeals to her to tell me the truth.
After this report, l have received confirmation from another person which has now given me a free mind to make a definite decision to end the relationship for good.

It is my view thatsince she has not been faithful to me from the beginning, nothing will convince me that she will change her character when we are married.

Once l have made this decision, I will not stop from carrying it out.


Dear Kwabena,

Though you have decided to end the relationship, I will urge you not to rely solely on the information received from these two sources, because it is possible the first person who made the disclosure to you could influence the second person to narrate the same story to serve as a confirmation of the earlier one.

What you have to do is to take your time to investigate and avoid making hasty decisions at this crucial time. It will not be out of place to reveal the detailed information you have received about her past life.

It is, indeed, true that as you prepare to marry, you should eliminate all bottlenecks in your relationship and straighten your path.

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