Some communication games for couples to grow closer

Maintain effective communication

•Seeing eye-to-eye

This is a fun game for married couples that nevertheless tells you how to fix com­munication issues in a relationship and lis­ten to each other attentively.

For this game, you will need either paper and pens or pencils, building blocks such as Lego, or crafty putty such as Playdough.

First, sit back- to -back, leaning on each other or placing two chairs back to -back. Decide who is going to make something first. That person uses the craft materials to make or draw anything they like. It could be a piece of fruit, an animal, a house­hold object, or even something abstract. Anything goes.

When the maker has finished with their creation, they describe it carefully to the other person. Go into much detail about colour, shape, and texture as you can, but do not tell your partner what you are describing.

So it is okay an apple is “round, green, sweet, crunchy and you can eat it,” but you cannot say it is an apple!

The partner who listens uses their craft materials to recreate what is being de­scribed as best as they can. Sometimes you will get it just right, and other times you will both be laughing at how far from the mark you are, but either way, you will be practising to listen to each other.

How to fix communication in a relation­ships?

Help couples learn to listen more intently and speak without judging. Communication activities for married couples assist you in fulfilling this. One of the marriage commu­nication games you can try is the High-Low.

Join together at the end of the day for 30 minutes and share the high and low of your day. When practised regularly, it helps in fixing communication in a relationship and understanding each other more.

•Uninterrupted listening

One of the greatest communication games to play with your spouse is to listen without words.

Set a timer for five minutes and have one partner share on any subject they would like. When the timer goes off, switch, and have the other partner share for five min­utes without interrupting.

Effective communication games, such as this one, promotes verbal and non-verbal communication equally.

•Eye- to – eye contact

Silence can sometimes say more than words ever could. The best communication games for married couples, include silence too. If you are looking for fun communica­tion games for couples and are not much of a talker, try this one. Instructions: Silently gaze into each other’s eyes for three- five minutes.

Find a comfortable seat, and try not to break the silence. When the time passes, reflect together on what you experienced.

•Uncommon questions

For your relationship and communication to succeed, you need consistency. Whether it be an hour, once a week or daily check-in, what matters is to keep improving your communication and intimacy.

To be continued…

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