The Diaspora engagements

At the start of this year, I did promise to bring to readers at points in time some of the positive things that Ghanaian immigrants and others in the diaspora were accomplishing or trying to accomplish, in Finland.

I wrote that there were a lot of engage­ments among Ghanaian immigrants in Fin­land— within the Ghana Union Finland as the representative association of the Ghanaian community, as well as by individuals and even other African immigrants collaborating with their Ghanaian counterparts.

There are many positive things that are hap­pening within the Ghanaian immigrant commu­nity in Finland.

Great efforts are being made by certain groups or associations as well as individuals, which need to be highlighted.

As I keep pointing out, Finland encourag­es migrants’ participation in the planning of issues concerning the migrants themselves as one of the efficient ways to improve their inclusion.

Health webinars

Recently, an immigrant originally from Cam­eroon has been organising health awareness webinars. Last December she collaborated with some Finnish institutions and organised a webinar for creating Cancer awareness.

These online events were very important especially during the COVID-19 and lockdown period. One such event was in collaboration with some Finnish institutions to organise an event to create awareness of chronic diseases.

This is very important since many immigrants are becoming more aware of their aging popu­lation and the need to take care of their wellbeing and lifestyles in order to stay healthy.

There are some people with­in the Ghanaian migrant community who have retired or are nearing retirement and thinking about their pension issues. At the same time, the thoughts among many Ghanaian or Afri­can immigrants centre on how to keep them­selves healthy and avoid becoming chronic or life-threatening illness.

Academic journey of Ghanaian/African immi­grants

Another area of attention falls within the academic path. This month and the next, as part of the Black history month, a portrait exhibition is being organised to celebrate contributions to various fields of study by Black Academics.

This exhibition is expected to present por­traits and biographies of Black Ph.D. students, post-doctoral fellows, and Professors from different fields.

According to the organisers, the objective is to allow the academics share their stories and experiences as inspiration to young students and those who want to pursue an academic career.

Other areas

A number of immigrants’ associations or so­cial groups are being formed and dedicated to serving people, especially immigrants, in one way or the other.

Most of these associations are Diaspora net­works that engage in cultural displays, educat­ing people about cultural heritage and enter­tainment.

This area also includes the many small busi­nesses set up by individuals to serve people within the Ghanaian and other African immigrant communities.


This is a way to encourage others within the Ghana­ian/African community, where the many personalities and institutions have contributed to or are ensuring the smooth running of things for the immigrants in Finland.

As I wrote the last time, many of them have used their knowledge and abilities to encourage and help improve the lives of members of the Ghanaian immi­grant community in Finland.

Many have acquired huge expertise and resources (academically, economically, technically, technologi­cally, etc.) and try to give something back to society through imparting that to others or supporting them in other means.

In this way, the immigrants also get integrated into the host Finnish society. Thank you!


By Perpetual Crentsil

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