The fight against breast cancer is still on …be prepared to support it

In view of the threatening nature of breast cancer and the death it can cause to human lives, there is the need to regularly educate people about the disease.

We need to report cases of cancer early to the hospitals. This is the general advice given to the public, so that they can be attended to in time.

However, there have been cases where some doctors are not able to diagnose the disease early enough due to unavailability of required medical equipment to do so.

The Spectator, therefore, appeals to all health workers to put in their best, even in the face of challenges, to bring the situation under control.

Diagnosing disease, particularly cancer of any form, is not an easy task. For this reason, the public must bear with our medical staff.

At the same time, members of the public must also do their best to follow medical advice and report all breast cancer cases early.

This is how we can all help to bring the increasing number of breast cancer cases globally, and in Ghana in particular, under control.

Breast Cancer has become one of the medical challenges the world is confronted with today. Research has shown that it occurs mostly in women and rarely in men. According to the American Cancer Society, less than one per cent of all breast cancer cases occurs in men.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) Report revealed that, more than 685, 000 women died from breast cancer in 2020 and in the same year, 2.3 million women were diagnosed with the disease, making it the world’s most widespread cancer.

In Ghana, the story is not different. Statistics carried by the Global Cancer Observatory website in March 2021, showed that 4,482 women in Ghana were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. In the same year, it said 2,055 deaths were recorded.

In fact, it is estimated that 4,650 women are diagnosed with breast cancer annually in Ghana while more than 2,000 women die of the disease yearly.

These statistics buttress the fact that breast cancer is higher among women, which gives credence to the sensitivity of the disease towards women.

It is for this reason, The Spectator, Your Weekend Companion, is leading a month-long breast cancer campaign to create awareness on the dangers of the disease to women in particular, who coincidentally align with the brand personality of the newspaper.

As we draw the attention of the public to the issue of breast cancer, let us not panic but be bold enough to take preventive measures that will make us stay good and enjoy long life.

This is the surest way to overcome breast cancer as well as other types of cancer in our lives.

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