What step should l take?

What step should l take?

Dear Obaa Yaa,

I was in a relationship with a lady for about five months and in the sixth month she suggested that we should break- up the relationship.

According to her, her elder sister had informed their parents about our friendship, hence her decision to end our friendship at that point.

I called the sister to find out why she had gone to that extent but she said she could not do such a thing against me. She went further to reveal to me certain behaviour my lady was putting up.

I did everything l could to make her come back to me but she has refused to listen to my persuasive words.

I am confused and do not know what to do at the moment. Please help me.

Dear Reuben,

We are sorry to say that per our policy, we only publish the first names of people who send letters to us and not the full names in order to conceal their identity and not to expose them to public ridicule.

Marriage is contracted between two consenting adults and that people should not be coerced into it. 

In marriage situations, central factors which make marriages to work are unconditional love, forgiveness and the spirit of tolerance which make marriages to blossom.

If within these few months your fiancé cannot be truthful, then it is an indication that she does not love you and the future would be bleak.

This behaviour is to serve as a warning to you that the lady does not love you, therefore, you should not hesitate to take a different plan. Such a relationship has no future because your sister-in-law to

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