Whatever you practise or focus on grows

 Whatever you practise or focus on grows

• Spending time is natures key

This year I am embarking on a new journey. Over the past year I have tried out some aspects of my “new way of life” but not in the manner I am doing in 2023 and I am sure you are doing same too. Draft your own points based on what is important to you and let us begin the journey together. It is never too late.

Many of the things I am working on now are guided by years of interaction with different people, what may be my purpose in my opinion, great fami­ly and friends and the type of wisdom that comes only with years.


Quite often we try to take care of everything and everyone with­out ensuring we are appropriately “charged”. There is nothing to give out if you are empty. Self-care is NOT a luxury and it has taken me years to appreciate this;

• I will add a new hobby I have been toying with.

• Surrounding myself with like-minded people who energise me, make me laugh and be the best ver­sion of myself. Building Social capital pays.

• I am spending quality time with God daily

• Spending time in nature is key and I ensure that I take much needed breaks

• Spending a few minutes a day to meditate, exercise and spoil myself sometimes

• I will have some hours each day that will be blocked out as “no phone time”

Keeping a Goal Diary

Many people have described ways of putting down your goals and seeing them happen. My coach taught me the power of VISUALISATION but over the years I went off that golden path. It’s time to get back. This is what I am doing now;

• In a diary I am writing everything I want to be or do as long as I have breath. No pressure.

• I am writing in the present tense; “I am spending an amazing week in a 7-Star resort with the peo­ple I love the most”

• I will look at this list everyday

Start a Gratitude Bank

I listened to this recently and though it was not referred to as a Gratitude Bank, I believe that is ex­actly what it is

• I picked up a transparent con­tainer (I can see the number of pieces of papers I am stashing in there)

• At the end of each week I will write something I am grateful for and put in the container.

• Whenever I feel “ungrateful” I will pour them out and read through them to remind myself how blessed I am and surely I will be holding the “evidence”

• At the end of June and end of December I will go through the list irrespective of my mood.

Practice. Practice. Practice

This is exactly as it – whatever you have written out in your diary to do from self-care through your goals etc. prioritise or focus on a few at a time. As you practise e.g. meditating, exercising, eating right and the many great things you want to do, these will all GROW. Whatever you practise GROWS.

Make the world a better place

I believe that we can make a difference in our corner no matter the challenges.

• That smile will change some­one’s life

• An act of kindness is contagious and the giver, receiver and all those observing benefit immensely. Let us spread kindness.

• The Blood Bank on my mind for 2023

Do share your list for 2023 and beyond with me via email.


Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

Health Essentials Ltd/ Mobissel


*Dr. Essel is a medical doctor, holds an MBA and is ISSA certified in exercise therapy, fitness nutrition and correc­tive exercise. He is the author of the award-winning book, ‘Unravelling The Essentials of Health & Wealth.’

Thought for the week –“Never change your originality for the sake of others because no one can play your role better than you. So be yourself. You are the best.” – Un­known


1. Unravelling the Essentials of Health & Wealth; Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

By Dr. Kojo Cobba Essel

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