Toasted groundnuts

• roasted-peanut-peeled


300 grammes of groundnuts

2 tablespoonfuls of salt

550 millimetres of water

Sea or river sand


Sort fresh groundnuts and remove foreign materials,

stones or dirt

Sort to have even sizes

Sieve, wash and clean.


Put water (enough) in saucepan and add salt.

Cover and allow to boil.

Add groundnuts and allow to boil for two minutes.

Strain water. Spread out groundnuts and leave in the sun to dry.

Heat pot with river sand (ensure the sand is hot enough).

Pour in the dried groundnuts and stir (to roast).

Stir occasionally over low heat to avoid burning of the


Check for doneness by peeling and or tasting a seed of


Put off fire when groundnuts are light brown in colour and


Pour into a metal colander or cane basket and shake to

separate sand from the toasted groundnuts.

Spread out to cool.

Serve with corn, millet or sorghum porridge.


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