Merits of sleep

The shorter the duration of your sleep hours the shorter your lifespan. Never obstruct your sleep hours. It is very dangerous. It causes a long chain of diseas¬es which are very difficult and highly expensive to diagnose, treat and cure.
Sleep is a vital compo¬nent of good health; it helps both your body and mind to function at their optimal level during the day. Anytime sleep sets in it means your entire body has sensed something dangerous within and must quickly put you to sleep to ef¬fect the necessary emergency corrections.
Sleep can improve your physical health by maintaining hormone levels that make you full/hungry, support growth and development and repair your muscles. Similarly, a good night’s sleep can im¬prove your brain function and allow you to pay attention, make intelligent decisions, learn quickly and awaken your creative spirit.
As we age, the amount of sleep your body needs chang¬es. For example, a new-born baby will sleep 16-18 hours per day whereas an adult should get 8-9 hours of sleep per day without disturbance. People who do not sleep well easily get angry and become very violent. Some people have difficulties with falling asleep and or staying asleep.
One of the best ways to improve quality of sleep is to have a consistent schedule: going to bed and waking up around the same time each day including weekends. Hav¬ing a stable sleeping routine will help your body to relax at the end of each day.
Additionally, take an hour of emotional surgery before you go to bed (relaxing your nerves and reflecting on the good things that you went through that day). Avoiding aerobic exercise one hour be¬fore you go to bed, watching television/computer screen and eating large meals as well as avoiding the complexities of social media at odd hours remain paramount. Follow¬ing these simple guidelines will help you to feel more rested in the morning. Some people often feel “sleepy,” fall asleep while watching the television or while hav¬ing meals. This could be due to sleep deficiency or a very lethal sleep disorder. Sleeping for even two seconds behind the steering wheel whiles driving can easily end your precious life.
Many individuals deal with sleepiness by taking a nap. However, a nap does not provide all of the benefits of a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that naps are limited, but if necessary a nap should be taken earlier in the afternoon before 3:00 pm and for an adult it should not be less than an hour.
If despite sleeping well at night you still feel tired throughout the day then consider visiting a doctor. The doctor will likely recommend that you keep a sleep diary to track when you are sleeping and for how long. The doctor may also recommend that you have a sleep study to further assess the situation.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
The most common sleeping disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). It is typically characterised by repetitive episodes of snoring followed by long pauses in breath (called apnea), typically last¬ing 20-40 seconds. One may experience these symptoms for years before the diagnosis is made. OSA can be tem¬porarily caused by an upper respiratory infection but can also be a chronic condition. In adults, individuals with OSA often suffer from obesity. Los¬ing weight can help to resolve the condition.
There are many common symptoms associated with OSA. They are sleepiness, loud snoring and restless sleep. Once a patient visits their doctor with the common symptoms, a sleep study is conducted before the diag¬nosis of sleep apnea is made. If someone is diagnosed with sleep apnea it is treated with a machine called CPAP (con¬tinuous positive airway pres¬sure). CPAP helps to prevent episodes of apnea by pushing oxygen into the individuals’ lungs
By Robert Ekow Grimmond -Thompson

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