Stealth and lethal erosion of life …quality sleep deprivation (Part 1)

The shorter and frag­mentation of your night sleep hours, the shorter your biological life.

The erosion and deci­mation of quality sleep throughout industrialised nations include developing safety and the education of our children. There is absolutely a silent sleep loss epidemic, and it is swiftly becoming one of the great­est public health challenges that we face in the 21st century.

Technology is missing something that is so signif­icant – Emotional Surgery is the art and science of using colour coding frequen­cies and neuro-navigation Ideas to remove what is not good from the human brain and human mind, tuning the body’s rhythm to base equilibrium before you go to sleep. It will help you sleep deeply and your brain activ­ity will begin to improve.

Sleep supersedes every known therapy in the world today including the near fu­ture – SLEEP IS A COMPLETE LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM. Within the momentum junctions of life you would know the urgency of Emo­tional Surgery – The idea of modernism in neuro-tech­nology where intelligence and knowledge meet wis­dom, power, understanding, skill and ability to execute instructional code in every situation in life.

Lack of sleep shall quickly age you and weaken your beautifully made anato­my of body structure both externally and internally. It will affect your daily busi­ness performances. Your fer­tility cycle will be distorted and therefore barrenness may likely set in motion. This affects both sexes. Men who do not get enough quality sleep have smaller testicles.

Their level of testoster­one is that of someone ten years to fifteen years their senior. PROLONG YOUR LIFE THROUGH EMOTIONAL SURGERY.

Telomeres are little protective caps at the ends of the DNA molecules that make up our chromosomes.

Their job is to stop the ends of chromosomes from fraying or sticking to each other.

Shorter telomeres have been associated with increased incidence of diseases and poor sur­vival.

As applied to genetic diversity, erosion is the loss of genetic diversity within a species. It can happen fairly quickly-as with a catastrophic event.

The effects of the eroded softer part of the human life through sleep decimation goes beyond what we know and understand today. It has led to the increased pollution and sedimen­tation of pollutants within our bodies causing declines in good health which has become highly lethal.

The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breath­ing, temperature, hunger, taste, smell, sight, taste, hearing and every process that regulates our body.

By Robert Ekow Grimmond-Thompson

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