Dig your well before you get thirsty: GOOD NIGHT!

We all crave sleep, but too many nights we fall short of the required eight hours we need to stay healthy and alive.
Millions of people suffer from chronic sleep disorders.
In today’s overscheduled society, sleep may feel like a luxury, when in fact it is a necessity. Sleep is vital to our health, existence, safety and overall well-being. Sleep recharges the brain, allowing the three-pond organ to learn and make memories.
Insufficient sleep has been wired to car crashes, poor work performance, and problems with mood swings and relationships.
Sleep deprivation also raises the risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, depression and stroke.
In many cases, people experience insomnia (inability to sleep) because they develop a pattern of behaviour that interferes with good sleep. Sleeping difficulties are often connected to underlying problems such as stress, depression and or anxiety.
It is a good idea to consult with a physician or another medical professional to learn if medical issues may be contributing to your sleep difficulties and treat related medical problems.
Visiting a psychologist may also help you address sleep challenges. Psychologists can help people change their behaviours and manage the thoughts, feelings and emotions that can interfere with a healthy night’s sleep.
Licensed psychologists have the professional skills to treat individuals suffering from depression and anxiety, which have been linked to sleep problems like insomnia.
In working with a psychologist, you can expect to talk about your overall physical and emotional health, as well as your health beliefs and behaviours. A psychologist will help you identify any underlying stressors and behaviours that may be interfering with sleep.
A psychologist may ask you to keep a sleep diary with information about your routines and behaviours. This can help the psychologist identify patterns of behaviour that might be interfering with sleep.
For instance, if you have a habit of exercising at night or watching TV in bed, your psychologist can help you take a look at how your routines impair sleep, and help you find alternatives.
The psychologist may also teach you relaxation techniques to help you learn to keep your mind relaxed and unwind before you jump to bed. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that occurs in the lives of millions of professionals, according to the Institute of Medicine.
A person with insomnia has trouble falling or staying asleep. When sleepless nights persist for longer than a month, the problem is considered chronic. Often, people with chronic insomnia see the problem come and go, experiencing several days of good sleep followed by a stretch of poor sleep.

By Robert Ekow Grimmond Thompson

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