‘Ayekoo’ to all workers

Last Wednesday was Interna­tional Workers’ Day, often known as May Day, celebrated by workers across the country.

Workers’ Day which falls on May 1, is a yearly observance to honour the contributions of all workers around the world.

As usual,labour unions and labour associations nationwide staged and parade to commemo­rate this year’s event.

The participants wore T-shirts from their respective organisations and carried placards with messag­es to the public that expressed concern.

Earlier, a call was made on the government to actively try to improve the working conditions of public sector employees.

The celebration was under the theme, “Election 2024: “The Role of Workers and Social Partners in Securing Peaceful Elections for National Development.”

In a statement the Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union Ghana (ICU-Ghana) of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) earlier warned employers not to convert permanent job positions to con­tract and casual work in an effort to maximise profit.

“The practice is not only demo­tivating but also unacceptable and may eventually backfire on them,” the statement reads.

Given the current state of the economy and the difficulties faced by workers in making ends meet, the advice seems appropriate.

The Spectator applauds em­ployers who are making every effort to lessen employees’ pains and suffering and providing a sup­portive work environment.

We also implore employees to put in more effort every day of the year in order to guarantee high productivity, profitability, and sustainability for businesses to meet their organisational goals,

Since it is often said that “time is money,” we encourage employees to respect their time and not arrive late for work, as this negatively affects many national industries and impedes progress.

Arriving early for work boosts productivity, which in turn leads to efficiency; yet, a lack of it breeds inefficiency, failure, and other issues.

Furthermore, we implore employees to abstain from actions that can jeopardise peace and sta­bility in the run-up to the general elections in 2024.

We say “Ayekoo” to all workers for their tireless efforts in keeping businesses afloat.

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