We went, we saw, we conquered …a reflection of 60th anniversary of NAVASCO

We went, we saw, we conquered …a reflection of 60th anniversary of NAVASCO

From all directions, by land and by sea, on bicycles. motorbikes, buses, private cars, by yellow-yellow and by helicopters, came NABIA from all walks of life. Yes, we swarmed on the terraces of the four walls of NAVASCO.
We occupied every available space; under trees, inside and outside halls and classrooms, on open parks and in offices. Yes, we dominated and held NAVASCO and its environs, even Navrongo town proper wasn’t spared.
We laid siege for one long and lasting week. We outdid one another with creative designs of imaginative regalia and assorted paraphernalia, NABIA were the envy of the most colourful peacock that nature ever churned out.
The men were marvellous, the ladies immaculate, the colours were blue and white, the place was NAVASCO and the name was NABIA. Yesterday Nabia, the day before yesterday Nabia, a real melting pot of tradition, pomp and pageantry all packaged together and passed down six solid decades of fruitful existence.
We feasted, slayed, danced, and displayed in a way we only know how to do best, with unadulterated pride and unashamed pomposity even to a default. No hands were bare, no smile was suppressed, no laughter was shortened.
From Janania to Gongnia, the chiefs and village folk felt and appreciated our generosity. The Navropio beheld our greatness, the Special Guest of HonoUr was awed by our resolve and unity of purpose, our guests were held spell bound, the birds sang our praises in the sky. Yes we left an indelible mark on the minds of everyone who had eyes to see and ears to ear.
The message was clear, Nabia, indeed, shines globally. Our dancing queens and kings manifested their dexterity; be it reggae, highlife or jama, the earth shook beneath our feet. Our voices became hoarse but were swiftly refreshed with large quantities of all kinds of drinkables.
The clock was held still at our command. Handshakes and hugs were plentiful. The celebrations could go on and on and on, but we reserved the rest for another day. Truly we went, we saw and we conquered. A very mighty AYEKOO to all Nabia. We did all.
For me, the journey from Accra to Navrongo was a Hajj. Since stepping out of Colins McDonald’s (former headmaster’s) office with my results slip in September 1977, November 3, 2021, was the day I finally retraced my steps to NAVASCO and to that office.

By COP (rtd) Charles Tokor, Folio 1580 (1976 year. Group)

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